Black Bean Veggie Burgers

Balancing flavor and freezability was my goal when developing a homemade black bean burger, and I succeeded with this recipe. Learn more at
Like many homemade versions of popular prepackaged foods, veggie burgers can taste exponentially better when mixed from fresh ingredients than pulled from a grocery store’s freezer section. Unfortunately, scratch-made versions often underperform their commercial counterparts when it comes to structure. As I note this week in my Twice as Tasty column for the Flathead Beacon, I’ve eaten many delicious handmade veggie burgers that need to be eaten straight from the pan because the leftovers readily fall apart. Yet the ability to pull a vegetarian-friendly burger from the freezer and slap it on a clean grill is its key selling point for summer parties and quick dinners.

Balancing flavor and freezability became my goal when developing a black bean burger recipe, and I was so successful that I make double or triple batches for summerlong enjoyment. I’ve made these burgers with fresh-from-the-garden vegetables or ones pulled from the freezer, grilling or sautéing them to intensify their flavor and work out much of their natural moisture. A couple of patty-forming tricks create burgers dominated by vegetables and beans, packed with herbs and spices, and easy to freeze, reheat, flip, and serve, one compact patty at a time.

Learn more about freezing homemade veggie burgers and get the complete recipe for Black Bean Veggie Burgers in my column.

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Balancing flavor and freezability was my goal when developing a homemade black bean burger, and I succeeded with this recipe. Learn more at

Twice as Tasty

Balancing flavor and freezability was my goal when developing a homemade black bean burger, and I succeeded with this recipe. Get plant-based recipes at for other filling, plant-based, freezer-friendly recipes? I’ve shared many on the blog and written articles about plant-based meals for other websites. Here are a few of my favorites. You can find more in the blog’s recipe index.

You can find more of my work off the blog here.

Want more Twice as Tasty recipes? Get my books! Click here to order a personally signed, packaged, and shipped copy of The Complete Guide to Pickling directly from me. I also share tasty ways to use pickles in The Pickled Picnic; it’s only available here.

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